"With the sea of programs, materials and marketing that hits us daily it’s hard to decide what’s legit and what is $%#+ And on top of that I don’t have time to navigate through all the rocks. Even when I first came across your platform Jimmy I still asked myself why? The answer was simple I just needed to listen to myself and some of the amazing coaches and inspirations out there. And of course the message you where really getting across. The answer I wanted was the one I preached to others in other things I’ve been involved with. Simplify, Focus what are the elements of the Social Realtor Course and who and why did they create and decide to share. The reason I put more time and focus on this program and let the others go is this, not only is this program tried and true in my home state, Jimmy is a RE agent that has navigated the waters. He is still active and remains active. This program isn’t going to smooth out all your water but it’s sure going to get you pointed in the right direction. The Social Realtors Course was my marketing “channel marker”and has been one of the great steps in helping me focus and keep my marketing on course. You're kinda like the damn lighthouse Jimmy.
Social Realtors Course was created by an active Agent that has tried and tested his own program and more importantly use and practices what he preaches."